Students explore the arts through drawing, sculpture, painting, clowning, theatre, dance, vocal music, and both rock and concert band instruments.
The Arts program at ASW is grounded in our mission and core values from Pre-K to Grade 12. Visual and performing arts programs at ASW help students’ develop skills, techniques, confidence, and a lifelong love of music, drama, dance, and visual art.
PYP Arts
The arts are important areas of learning in the Primary Years Programme (PYP). Students will learn the disciplines of visual arts, music and drama, as well as learning about the arts (the skills and processes involved) and through the arts (artists, perspectives, themes and ideas using the arts). In all areas of learning, the PYP teacher values imagination, creativity and original thinking. This may be especially evident through the arts. The creative disciplines of visual arts, music and drama are closely connected to each other, as well as having strong links to other disciplines. The creative process is seen as a driving force in learning through inquiry.
The arts are built into the curriculum as essential areas of learning, not added on as optional extras. Students are exposed to all three arts : visual arts, music, and drama).
MYP Arts
MYP Arts includes both performing arts (theatre and music) and visual arts (studio art and photography). In MYP Arts, students have the opportunity to function as artists themselves, as well as learners of the arts. By developing curiosity about themselves, others, and the world, students become effective learners, inquirers, and creative problem-solvers.
Students develop through creating, performing and presenting arts in ways that engage and convey feelings, experiences, and ideas. MYP Arts values both the process of creating artwork and the point of realization. In MYP Arts, the four objectives have equal importance and value meaning that the creative process and the response to other art is as important as the creation process.
MYP Arts courses help specifically to prepare students for the study of visual arts and theatre in the DP at either the SL or HL.
MYP Arts objectives/assessment criteria include the following:
Criterion A: Knowing and understanding
Criterion B: Developing skills
Criterion C: Thinking creatively
Criterion D: Responding
DP Arts
Supporting the holistic, encompassing nature of the full IB Diploma Program, the Arts provide a critical, creative approach to a discipline with an emphasis on research into a relevant genre. Although not required (students may elect to take a third language or a second course from the DP offerings), the Arts encourage and develop a reflective awareness of culture, history, and time and space while fostering student expression