Admissions Policy
To fulfill the spirit of ASW’s vision and mission and to maintain an international mix of the student body, the Board of Trustees directs the Administration to make all admissions decisions based on the limit that no single nationality (with the exception of U.S. passport-holding applicants) exceeds 20% of the total student enrollment in each division. In all cases, nationality will be determined by the documentation submitted by the parent/guardian, wherein the child and at least one parent/guardian demonstrate the same nationality.
A. Admissions decisions use, but are not limited to, the following criteria:
The ability of the School to meet the academic needs of the applicant and the ability of the applicant to function effectively in a challenging academic environment, including students served under the stipulations of policy 7.10 – Inclusion.
The applicant’s level of English proficiency to ensure success in the short and long term and under the stipulations associated with policy 7.09 – Language.
The applicant’s ability to contribute to the School’s culture of internationalism.
The applicant’s ability to make a positive contribution to the School Community.
The applicant’s parent/guardian commitment to being a positive member of the School Community.
First priority for admission shall be given to all continuing students. Continued enrollment at ASW is determined by the professional staff based solely on the following criteria:
The ability of the School to meet the educational needs of the continuing student, including those served under Policy 7.10 – Inclusion.
The ability of the continuing student to meet the academic, attendance, and behavioral expectations of the School.
Parent/Guardian demonstrated compliance with and support of the policies and procedures of the School.
The fulfillment by the continuing student’s Parent/Guardian of the School’s medical requirements.
The fulfillment by the continuing student’s Parent/Guardian of the School’s financial obligations.
The fulfillment by the continuing student’s Parent/Guardian of the School’s re-enrollment process in advance of the established deadline.
B. Subject to the criteria under 8.01a above being met, second priority for admission shall be for new students, in the following order of priority:
Dependents of U.S. Government direct-hire and contract employees, dependents of overseas hire faculty, and dependents of locally-hired faculty.
Holders of Priority Seat Reservations (Policy 4.21).
U.S. nationality.
Dependents of other foreign diplomats accredited to Poland and residents in the Warsaw area who hold a “legitymacja dyplomatyczna.”
Siblings of enrolled students provided they have completed the application process in advance of established deadlines.
Siblings of students admitted for enrollment.
Students returning to ASW after a period of absence of any length.
Students who are children of school alumni.
All other applicants.
C. As spaces become available, the Administration will use the above criteria to determine admission decisions. Within each priority group, the date of the application will determine the order of admission.
D. The Director will be the final authority on all admission decisions in consultation with professional staff.
E. The Director may request exceptions to nationality limits by resolution of the Board.
Revised: May, 2024